Tuesday, April 14, 2009


CAE Lambchop #1 - "National Talk Like A Pirate Day" from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.
I bought the most recent release by these guys a while back and really like it. I'll feel terrible probably this weekend, but in the meantime here is the best song on the CD. (It is quite long.)

1 comment:

Joe said...

These guys were everywhere a few years ago, at least among the rock snob critic crowd. Seems in the past few years you don't see much about them. As I understand it, they're less of a collective now (I think they used to have 15 or so members) and more of a band. I had 'How I Quit Smoking' and 'Nixon,' but they were just so quiet I never really got in to them. I look forward to giving this one a listen, though.