Monday, November 06, 2006

Move over, Daisy Duke...

I'm really enjoying My Name is Earl and the Office on Thursday night, even if it is early Friday morning before I ever get to watch it. Jamie Pressly put the hu-hu-hu in hot. A quick google image search (Safesearch off!) will reap many delightfully nsfw visions. Mmm Mmm trashy women!

I think I'm going to have to put her on my 'Honey, if she calls I'm gonna have to say yes' list right after Uma and right above those four girls who sat behind me in my stats class last semester.

I also think the Office is the best transition from British sitcom to US shitcom ever. Not that that's really saying anything. I thought it would run its course pretty quickly, but it's still funny. And the girl in Tim's other office is WAY hotter than Pam.

Remember when I used to go to concerts and have fun...?


Joe said...

I mean, I know she's no Reon Kadena, Jay, but I'd still carry her in my pocket...

Dave said...

Caroline and I are huge Office fans (as you can probably tell from my avatar. I actually own a Dwight BobbleHead doll). Consistently cringe-worthy and hilarious. Diversity Day anyone?

Jay said...

Ha, Joe! She's been deleted.

Ha, Dave! That kiss was horrible.

I was as surprised as anyone to see The Office land on its feet, especially after seeing the pilot. (Talk about cringe-worthy.) Soozan loves it, but I'm usually getting our oldest to bed when it's on, so I miss most of it.

My Name Is Earl also makes me laugh when I catch it.

Either of you guys watching Heroes?