Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Funniest Movie I've Ever Seen?

As fans of Da Ali G Show, Soozan and I had high expectations for Borat, and we were not disappointed. You guys know that I'm not prone to hyperbole, so hear me now and believe me later when I say that this very well may be the funniest movie I have ever seen. Not only were my sides sore from laughing, but I had bronchitis-like symptoms afterwards. I'm really struggling to remember the last time I laughed this much at a movie.

Maybe Schindler's List?

Please don't let the inevitable Borat backlash keep you from seeing this film.


Dave said...

Too late.... I have seen it and I say 'high five'. Absolutely hilarious. I've never been so mirthful to see two unattractive men completely nude and rolling all over each other. A classic.

Joe said...

Ooh, I really want to see it! Maybe this weekend.