Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Who Is John galt? Who Is Interested in This Movie?

I've been chipping away at this book for a few months. Anyone read it? Anyone interested in this flick. It's theme seems pretty relevant these days.


Joe said...

I heard it sucks.

Dave said...

I haven't read the source material, which I think I'd be inclined to do first. I'm sure Neal Peart is already in line though...

Eric said...

I read The Fountainhead every year or two because I just haveta have me some. Kind of surprised that they haven't remade it (1949 original) -- seems ripe for a new incarnation.

Devoured Atlas Shrugged once back in the day and dug it at the time. I know that Rand considered it her magnum opus; to me the themes just echoed all the fun in considerably shorter Fountainhead - reliance on reason, self-realization, refusal to compromise, etc.

I was surprised to see the trailer, I didn't even know it had been filmed and released. I need to get out more...

Jay said...

I heard the movie's at least as good as the film version of Bonfire of the Vanities.

Never read any Rand, but Greenspan's allegiance kind of freaks me out.

Eric said...

Actually Rand and her collective (including Greenspan) were anti- Federal Reserve. The idea of an appointed official controlling the money supply wasn't very free range banking. (I think there's a large irony-free zone in Greenspan's head.)

Rand herself wondered if Greenspan was essentially a social climber.

Jay said...

It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world.