Friday, April 01, 2011

The Denzil, The Ben Folds

So here are two albums that make my top 10 list of ALL TIME. That means that I LOVE them.

The Denzil album is probably the one I've turned the most people on to (I'm pretty sure I've posted it here before). It is just the best: melodies, amazing lyrics, great production, and tons of fun for Anglophiles (Jay). EVERY track is awesome, but standouts include 'Fat Loose Fancies Me', 'Useless', 'Funnymoon', 'Cutie', and.......well every single one.

I'm also a big Ben Folds fan, especially his solo stuff. It's all been good, but his solo debut is his most consistent. Pardon me if I'm preaching to the choir, but if you haven't given it a chance, listen to this one two or three times in a row. I DARE you to find a love song as beautiful as 'The Luckiest'.

Festoon The Port-a-Let!


Jay said...

Thanks, Dave! You did indeed turn me on to Denzil back in the day. I remember your excellent cover of "Running This Family."

Joe said...

"Running This Family" is one of my favorite songs of all time.