Friday, April 29, 2011

Common People

Most of you will be taking today off to watch the royal wedding coverage, right? Hey, no judgments.
Please to enjoy William Shatner's cover of Pulp's Common People, complete with animated Star Trek.


Joe said...

That's great. I've never made it through the whole Shatner version of that song. Joe Jackson doing the chorus?

Dave said...

Love this (both this and original iterations). My girlfriend insisted we get up and watch the royal nuptials this morning. Yeeesh. I plan to drink a lot of English beer after school in honor. Have a great weekend Bastards.

P.S.: Jay, I don't remember your wedding as being quite as opulent as all this- what's up with that?

Jay said...

This will surprise no one, but I used to LOVE that Star Trek cartoon. (Completely forgot about the orange guy with the chin horn.)

Although we could have gone that opulent Dave, we wisely saved our family fortune for our kids, who are now taking every penny.