Tuesday, September 02, 2008

It just keeps getting better.....

I have a feeling if this situation had happened to the Democrats, the U.S. right would be harumphing about loose family values. When it happens to a Republican family, they are 'supporting life' by deciding to keep the baby, something a Democrat would clearly never do.


Joe said...

Ha ha ha ha. That's classic. And don't you know if a hurricane had hit on the first day of the Dem's convention that the wing-nuts would be saying it's God's way of showing his disapproval!

B.O.'s statement on the whole thing was pretty classy, I thought.

Mike said...

So true. That Palin chick must be plenty ambitious to jump into this campaign knowing her daughter's pregnancy would become a national topic.

Dave said...

Ambitious or just vicious? Now there are serious questions as to whether any real vetting took place for this pick. She's got a private attorney for a serious ethics probe, she championed millions of dollars in earmarks that McCain is rabidly against, and no one in Alaska will admit to being contacted by anyone from the campaign. This is one of the strangest political turns I've seen in recent memory. Can you 'unpick' a vp nominee?

Joe said...

No, but your VP nominee can 'quit.'

Mike said...

If she wasn't thoroughly vetted, Mccain isn't a maverick, he's a damn fool. Makes you wonder what else is out there that will come to light soon.

Andrew said...

I think they were just relieved that she doesn't have "Mary Cheney Disease" . . . .

Jay said...

Damn, this is gonna be good.