Friday, September 05, 2008

Kitty, Daisy & Lewis

You may remember these chaps from one of Andrew's catchy Fridays. They're 3 Brit siblings, 15-, 18- & 20-year-olds, drawn to '50s Rock and Roll. The throwback sound is neat to hear. Noted on the back of the CD:

We took a year to record and mix this album in our back room. Over a period of time we collected a lot of ribbon microphones, tape recorders and ancient sound equipment and eventually built a workable studio inspired by Sun studios in Memphis and Chess studios in Chicago along with the makeshift chaos of Joe Meek's studio in the Holloway Road in London. Our main objective was to capture the energy of our live gigs.

For maximum enjoyment we recommend that you turn the volume up as loud as possible.

Daisy has an interesting MySpace. I know you kids are into that sort of thing these days.


Dave said...

I like this group. And its great to see young 'uns paying homage to the past.

Jay said...

I like this pair.