Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oh Hell Yeah

November 14, ladies.


Dave said...

I'll be there, if just to figure out what the hell that title is all about. And to look at Daniel Craig's abs. Again.

Joe said...

The bad guy in this, Mathieu Amalric, was in "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly," which was great, but really depressing. He's an excellent actor. Most of the movie all he could move was his eye. Like Jay.

Mike said...

Talk about a brand that has reinvented itself in a magnificent way. One clue that they've righted the ship: every woman I've talked to prefers Pierce Brosnan.

Jay said...

Lurker, you obviously haven't talked to my wife. For her, it's Sean, then Daniel.

Andrew said...

It sounds from the trailer as if S.P.E.C.T.R.E. has been replaced by The Pentavret. Depending on when the movie is set, Colonel Sanders may even make an appearance.

Dave said...

Now that would be terrifying. Although if Colonel Sanders wanted to take over the world, I'd let him.