Friday, September 26, 2008

The Greatest Drum Roll In The History Of Recorded Music?

I firmly believe Green Day's Tre Cool is one the most unappreciated drummers working today. He's easily in my top five (with Josh Freese and Dave Grohl) in terms of technical proficiency and raw power. Why am I such a drum fag? Because a band is only as good as its drummer. Anywho, listen to the drum roll at the beginning of this song and bow your head to its unholy fury.


Dave said...

I am with you on this 100%. Others receiving votes from me: Pete Thomas (of course, but really listen to him. Who could handle so many different styles and be great at them all?), Mick Fleetwood (the best groove in rock and roll. Also the best sex faces whilst playing drums) and David Loverling.

Mike said...

Yes, great and underrated. For example, Welcome to Paradise.

Jay said...

Spot on, Lurker.

Dave, I would also have to include Bun E. Carlos in my underrated-but-incredible list.