Monday, September 29, 2008

Great Depression Redux

Any of you bastards worried about your jobs? Man, this is turning into something that definitely isn't a laughing matter!


Joe said...

I think my job is pretty safe for now. We work on gov't contracts, and they've all been extended. Also, our CEO was talking about how our company doesn't really use its line of credit, so that shouldn't be a problem for us.

Jay said...

My job's as secure as it ever is ...

Mike said...

Things seem pretty secure with me, too. Hard to say how the downturn will affect us, but so far it hasn't.

I read Studs Terkel's Hard Times last year, which is an oral history of the great depression. We have a long, long, long way to go before we can start making that comparison.

Dave said...

Granted. Still, if the U.S. hadn't 1) built lots of systems into place to avoid another occurrence like that of the twenties; and 2) decided at some point that an eternal line of credit of fake money was going to be available to the government, we'd be in real deep doo-doo.

Mike said...
