Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dig through the couch cushions for Juvenile Diabetes

OK Bastards, we take and we take and we take. Now here's an opportunity to give back. My older bro is going to get off of his lazy ass and participate in a walk to support research into juvenile diabetes. He's set a pretty ambitious goal this year so I told him I'd spread the word. If any of you bastards have an extra ten spot lying around, then skip the hookers and blow this weekend and give to a good cause. If you'd like to donate, go here and tell 'em LBU sent you.


Mike said...

I'd like to help, Dave, but honestly, I don't think juveniles need to starting messing around with diabetes.

Andrew said...

Sorry I can't help Dave. I am doing a walk myself to help kids who made a face and the wind changed and it stayed that way.

Jay said...

Dave obviously didn't check the Give-A-Fuck-O-Meter before posting this request.

Dave said...

Ha! Spoken like true bastards. I'm very proud of you. I am especially proud of Lurker, who got over what seems to be our collective wankerishness, and made a generous donation. Rock on Lurker, Rock on. You'll be Grand Poobah in no time.

Mike said...

Sucking my way to the top.

Jay said...

All my spare change goes to the Society for the Prevention of Inverted Nipples (SPIN).

Seriously, I'll kick in after a word with the missus.

Andrew said...

Wouldn't it be more efficient to take money AWAY from these kids so they can't buy as much candy?

Dave said...

Hahaha! And thanks, by the way. My brother will be writing you soon.

Andrew said...

That must have been a mistake. I meant to donate to a charity that buys land mines for poor countries that can't afford them.