Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We Survived

25 kids at our son's 7th birthday party (at home). What could go wrong?


Dave said...

I wish I had twenty five friends.

Mike said...

Hopefully you increased your homeowners coverage, hid away anything that could double as a lightsaber, and guarded Marin like a china teapot in a mosh pit. Glad you survived.

Joe said...

Is this an actual picture? Did the parents do this when you ran out of beer?

Jay said...

This is an actual picture, the documented behavior a consequence of unfortunate circumstances. We played Mummy Wrap with toilet paper, the game ended, and we were rolled in a matter of seconds. The parents didn't participate, but I did hear a few offering pointers. ("Throw it like a football!")

Of course, the kids had to clean it up before anyone could hit the pinata ...

And things worked out for my daughter, as three of her friends also attended.

It's quality, Dave, not quantity!

Dave said...

That's why I'm so concerned.