Thursday, October 09, 2008

I'm back, bastards

It was good to be gone. It is good to be back.


Dave said...

That breakfast looks downright Olympian! Oh wait......

Sorry the Saints let you down, but at least you got to see an epic performance from Bush. Otherwise, how was the Big Easy?

Andrew said...

Nola was really fun.A2 had his first Abita and gumbo at Liuzza's by the track, his first beignets, and his first surlier than thou service at Rue.And he picked up some cool Saints outfits while he was at it.
The game was a alternately terrific and excrutiating, especially the blown face mask call.The first two drives really typified this season: the 'Aints marched down and scored, making it look easy, and gift a score back on special teams.I still think we can make the playoffs though.

Mike said...

It was unnerving watching that game, as the Saints completely dominated but made perfectly-executed mistakes to lose it. Welcome back, Andrew!

Do NOT be fooled by Dave's warm welcome; he has been stabbing our glorious poobah in the back relentlessly since you left.

Joe said...

Welcome back. Jesus, everything has fallen apart since you've been gone. Fix it now, please. Fortunately you've started with a healthy breakfast so you'll have the energy to deal with it.

Jay said...

Yes, welcome back, most exalted poobah! It's been a struggle without your divine leadership, but somehow we've muddled through.

Mike said...

Top item on Poobah's agenda: fix this financial mess Dave got us into.