Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Technology Integration as Practice: A Case Study Examining Communities of Practice in a Ubiquitous Computing Environment

"The purpose of this study is to examine a ubiquitous/pervasive computing initiative from a community of practice perspective. It seeks to understand how faculty fit technology use into the already paramount goals they have for their students learning, and how that technology’s role becomes (or fails to become) a part of that essential domain. Furthermore, it seeks to determine whether or not a community of practice has emerged around the use of technology as a central practice."

I have my dissertation proposal today and I AM FREAKING OUT!!!

Pray for me.


Jay said...

Good luck, my man. Just do the best you can do.

I will pray to the god of squirrels for your success, and even offer a sacrifice.

Dave said...

If all of it is as sexy as that first paragraph, you'll have no trouble- I wish you luck with a capital F.

Jay said...


Joe said...

They bought it! Seriously, it went far better than I had hoped. They were even making suggestions as to what I should take out. "You don't need to do that, don't talk to these people, etc."

Now all I have to do is a couple more observations, a buttload of statistical analysis I know nerthing about, interviews, transcriptions, data analysis (qualitative), write the last two chapters, add a couple of appendixes, quit smoking, get a job, get the house ready to sell, sell it, move my family (don't know where yet), and defend.

Maybe I'll leave the quit smoking part to last.

Dave said...

Congratulations. I can't wait to start calling you DOCTOR Dildo.

Joe said...

Actually, I would prefer Doctor DILDO.

Jay said...

The doctor is IN!