Friday, February 02, 2007

My New Heroes!

This is too funny.


Dave said...

I hate these douchebags. Obviously, they were just paid peons, but their attempts at 'cheekiness' fall as flat as Aunt Tilda. I don't generally advocate the death sentence, but in this case anything that stops them from reproducing (not that Dred-Not will ever get laid anyway) is OK on me.

Joe said...

Okay, so maybe heroes was a little strong. I thought it was hilarious that they refused to take any of it seriously.

Anyway, I always thought Aunt Tilda had a nice rack, so we're obviously not on the same page.

Dave said...

And perhaps my wish for their deaths was a tad overboard......

Jay said...

I'll take the middle ground, commending them for their effort while half-heartedly wishing them an STD.