Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Bacchus, Thoth, Krewe d'Etat, I'm on my way!

So tomorrow marks our annual sojourn to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. Oh wait. I used to live there! Its only been a sojourn since last year! You know, it really sucks to go there as a tourist. You have to find places to crash (usually on a floor) and you're always at the mercy of someone else's party. Having said that, it is still much, much better than not going. We'll see friends, catch some parades, eat crawfish, and get really, really drunk. Did I mention the drinking? Seriously though, although it cost us a lot to get airfare, etc., I am not yet psychologically ready to miss Mardi Gras. It's like telling a kid that Christmas is cancelled. And although I will be back in my classroom on Fat Tuesday, at least I'll still have the smell of vomit on my shoes and beautiful memories in my brain.


Jay said...

Have fun, Dave! Throw back a few for me ...

Joe said...

Beauty! Have fun! Who's gonna hold your hair back when you puke?

You know, as many times as I've been to N.O., I've never made the Mardi Gras.

Jay said...

Oh, and bring back pictures of boobies that you can post. 'Cuz, you know ... boobies.