Monday, February 12, 2007

Mike Viola (Candy Butchers)

Here's my latest music obsession. Dave probably already knows this, but Mike Viola is the guy who wrote "That Thing You Do" for Tom Hanks's movie a few years back. I always meant to check out his other stuff, but I just recently found a used disc of his at Spin Street for $1.00.

Apparently, the one I picked up (Hang On Mike) is more confessional than his previous work, as it deals directly with his disillusionment with the Big Time ("Superkid," "Hunker Down"), the death of his first wife from cancer ("Painkillers"), and even the abuse that his mother suffered as a child in foster care ("Charlie"). He's got a way with words, as well as the perfect power pop voice: pure as crystal, but rough around the edges when it needs to be.

Anyway, I couldn't find any videos from Hang On Mike, so you get one from Play With Your Head.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I've been meaning to check this guy out. When I met John Wesley Harding, he told me he had done a few songwriting collaborations with this guy and couldn't say enough great things about him. Now that another arbiter of good musical taste, Jay, has recommended him, he's on my 'must' list.