Friday, February 25, 2011

Week Eleven Weigh In

185.2, a one week loss of ... .2 pounds.

Total weight lost so far, 10.2 pounds.

No parties this weekend, so fewer excuses to eat like a fucking pig. We'll see.


Eric said...

168.6 lbs, 0 miles run.

Down 6 lbs from the Great Weigh-In.

Having a total WTF?! moment.

I was really, seriously anticipating 175+ on the scale today. I've stopped exercising and started chowing comfort food to combat sleep/stress issues. I have no explanation for my physiology.

My significant other has lost considerable weight, including 7 lbs 0 oz in the form of a young human, and is proudly back in normal jeans. Huzzah!

Joe said...

174 and it's girl scout cookie time!!! I have been taking advantage of Florida springtime weather and managed to get in a couple of good runs and some bike mileage, so I feel better even if the weight is the same.

Matt said...

Busted my ass this week. Worked out an hour 5 days this week. total weight lost (drumroll please)... 1 pound. 1?! And that's rounding up. This blows...

Matt said...

By the way, the contents of my ipod are responsible for motivating me to get through any exercise efforts. The problem is I need some new tunes. When exercising, I usually listen to stuff that I normally wouldn't. I need some new music to motivate me. What do you fellow bastards listen to while trying to burn calories.
I give you a sample of what my ipod spit out at me yesterday. These songs are on my "workout" playlist and are selected for their upbeat tempo and thumping bass, or for a high level of kick-assness. They are not necessarily chosen for their artistic merit or for bastard approval. Ok here we go...

1) Machinehead... Bush (mmm bush)
2) Cosmic Thing... B-52's
3) Freak on a Leash..... ahem... Korn
4) Dragula... white Zombie
5) Boys Better.... Dandy Warhols
6) Just Because... Jane's Addiction
7) Warped... Red Hot Chili Peppers
8) Toxic... Britney Spear (how the hell did that get in here?!)
9) Oustshined... Soundgarden
10) Sympathy for the Devil (live)... Widespread Panic

Anyhoo, I need more songs for my ipod to keep me going. any suggestions?

Dave said...

I like the first Arctic Monkeys album for a good workout. No need to apologize for 'Toxic'. It's one of my favorite songs EVER.

Joe said...

171 today...