Monday, February 07, 2011

Urge Wha?

Rock & Roll Submarine, the first album by Urge Overkill in 16 or so years (!) is set for release on April 26 of this year. I didn't like the last album, Exit the Dragon so much (it doesn't even have a Wikipedia entry!), but Saturation is still one of my all time faves. Lightning in a Bottle, indeed. Fingers crossed that the new one will have at least some of the old magic.


Jay said...

Please don't suck. Please don't suck. Please don't suck.

Mike said...

Saturation was amazing, hope they can find some of that magic.

Dave said...

I saw them live when a reunited Nash and Eddie got back together 7 or 8 years ago. They really sucked live. Blackie was nowhere to be seen.