Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm not sure if any of you other Bastards enjoy the mellow groove from time to time, but I for one love the old CSN (especially Stills - anybody ever heard 'Manassas'?) and other '60s Laurel Canyon stuff (I even like the Fucking Eagles until they get up to 'The Long Run').

For your consideration is the BBC's documentary "Hotel California: LA From the Byrds to the Eagles," which traces the Laurel Canyon scene from the early Byrds to the full-on corporatization of the scene (ie the Eagles). I made it through part one, and it's quite good.

C'mon, Dave, you've got some Joni Mitchell records, don't you?


Jay said...


Dave said...

I really like this scene- I have all the old Asylum stuff (Zevon, Jackson Browne, early Eagles, Neil, CSN, Joni, etc.). Fascinating scene and time. There's a great book, but I've forgotten what it's called.....