Sunday, November 28, 2010


I was at the FSU - UF game this weekend. Oh how great it is to beat the Gators. And Maryland comes through and pantses NC State, so we're in the ACC Championship game next week! Go Seminoles!

I'm off to Vegas (no seriously) for the next couple days!


Jay said...

Have fun.

Remember, what happens in Vegas often requires a penicillin shot when you get home.

Dave said...

What happens in Vegas is that people go with ridiculously overblown expectations, spend a lot of money on gambling and overpriced drinks, and don't really do anything that exciting. That's why they want it to stay in Vegas.

Jay said...

Voice of Experience, is that you?

Joe said...

Too fucking true, Dave. A guy from work and I wanted to go see a show, but they were all $100+. Beers average $7 and the bartenders are all ugly. And don't get me started on the hookers!

Jay said...

Tell your mom I said Hi anyway.