Monday, March 01, 2010

Where Have You Been All My Life?

Eddy Current Suppression Ring, Australian indie rock band extraordinaire. Found out about these guys on Paste Magazine's website (“Ten March 2010 Albums Worth Checking Out.”)

If you give a listen, don't Forget To Pogo.


Mike said...

Forget to Pogo? What on earth are you.. oh, wait! I see.

Thanks! For the Popes, too. I think I want to like it more than I really do, but I'm not sure yet. It's not Born to Quit, but it's not Skeletal Lamping, either.

Joe said...

Thanks. I saw a write-up on this band on a lesser blog earlier. It was more informative, but what can you do?

I took another run through the new Popes again this weekend and enjoyed it. It doesn't have the perfect little pop songs like born to quit does, but it's still good. Nice guitars.

Jay said...

Songs too long! Shorter songs would cure all ills for me.