Thursday, January 28, 2010

Memphis Jones

All you bastards (with the exception of Andy) may remember him as daniel (sic) from the band days. I'm not bullshitting in the least when I say he is easily the most charismatic person I have ever met. The dude is a star.

Anyway, check out Backbeat. It's how Memphis does Memphis, after all.

A previous post about Mr. Jones can be found here.


Joe said...

I have to say I don't remember him, but he is funny. What band was he in?

Mike said...

The name is familiar, but I can't place him. I shuffled back through drummers, (Bubba John, The Chubbies girl, Jeremy, Shaun..) but I'm thinking maybe he was an early second guitar in the Pre-Cardigan days of the Subteens. Cool feature.