Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Guilty Pleasure

This video was my first introduction to OK Go several years ago. My initial impression was that it was a good song from what appeared to be a clever bunch of guys who don't take themselves too seriously.

They've got a new one out, called Of The Blue Colour Of The Sky, inspired LARGELY by Purple Rain. Embedding is disabled, but check out the video here for what I assume is the first single, "WTF?"

As the title of this post subtly hints, OK Go is a guilty pleasure of mine, but I should say that I only enjoy them in short bursts. I probably can't explain this phenomena in a way that makes sense, but typically, I start an OK Go disc thinking, "Wow, this is better than I remembered!"

As I make my way through the album, however, eventually arriving at the back-loaded weaker tracks, OK Go begins to sound not so much like a power-pop juggernaut, but a group of disingenuous chameleons cranking out disposable music that only sounds like power-pop. "Shit, you almost got me! Nice try, OK Go."

Then, a few months will pass, I'll give the same album a spin and think, "Wow, this is better than I remembered!"



Joe said...

They've ridden the funny video train to a lot of success. It will be interesting to see if the new album comes across. I'm not sure I ever made it through an entire spin of the last album.

Dave said...

My jury is still out. Right now I'd label this as 'Music Dave has no concrete opinion about, but is prepared to be open-minded about'.

Jay said...

See what I mean? Dave usually LOVES everything!

Mike said...

I think they're heading the wrong direction for me, and the clever videos are getting annoying. But the treadmills were still brilliant.