Tuesday, July 07, 2009

One More

The wife and I were discussing the previous posts about things that scared the bejesus out of us as kids, and she brought up this one, the trailer for Beyond The Door, which inexplicably ran during prime time. Somehow I missed it, but it's pretty scary now.


Joe said...

I don't remember that one at all. It looks like a blatant Exorcist rip-off. Almost to the point of parody.

Mike said...

Knock off or no, that would've scared me to death.

But I was easily scared to death as a child, especially by "unexplained phenomena." It's funny how fears change as you age, but the fear of the unknown is always paramount.

Jay said...

Well said, Lurkster.

Dave said...

I'll add a couple more: one called 'Scream Pretty Peggy' wherein a seemingly nice college boy kills girls and stuffs their corposes into empty totem poles (also a prime-timer, I slept with my parents for a week although I was probably 8 years old) and one with Rock Hudson where he killed cheerleaders.

Mike said...

Yikes! Prime time? That's nuts.

Jay said...

Anybody remember "The Dark Secret of Harvest Home?"

This was the miniseries with Bette Davis; she led a coven or a cult, but the women of the small town perform a ceremony that the men are forbidden to see. If they DO, they're blinded, and if they tell about it, bye-bye tongue. Yeah, that kept me up a few nights ...

Check it out here.