Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Required Viewing For Even Casual Fans

Narrated by Joey Molland and Mike Gibbins (the two band members who apparently didn't experience the gut-wrenching despair that leads to suicide), Badfinger: A Riveting and Emotionally Gripping Saga contains loads of incredible band footage, plus a how-to guide on getting fucked by some of the sleaziest shitbags in the music industry.

You can get it here, or I can Finagle The Pontiff.

For those bastards with a litte more time on their hands, I found this out of print book, too. Although it says it's just a sample, the whole thing seems to be here. Much cheaper than the $100.00 Amazon wants for a used copy ...

And as if that isn't enough, here's a live rendition of "Day After Day" from 1972. It's a little dodgy at first, until the soundman gets the mix right. Still, no kick drum. What's up with that?


Jay said...

I FTPed it. If you so desire, just uncompress the first file, then put 'em all in the same folder. It's an hour long, give or take.

Jay said...

Nobody? Really? You're part of the reason these guys aren't in the Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Fame, you bastards.