Monday, June 22, 2009

Nicely Done

Check out The Terrible Thing of Alpha-9, Jake Armstrong's thesis for the School of Visual Arts.


Joe said...

That's great. Who is Jake Armstrong?

Jay said...

Some animator, nobody I know or anything. Just giving props.

Mike said...

Excellent! Talented guy whoever he is.

Andrew said...

Terrific. Its a shame they don't show shorts at the movies any more (other than Pixar shorts before Pixar movies). Something like this would be a lot more entertaining than lame trivia and a quiz about coca cola products, etc.

Jay said...

Don't EVEN get me started on those fucking movie commercials. Commercials, I might add, that IN NO WAY defray the cost of my ticket, delay the start of the movie by a good ten or 15 minutes, and make me feel like a brainless chump for tolerating them.