Wednesday, August 27, 2008

This One's For Andy

Steve Jones plays the absolute shit out of this song on Jonesy's Jukebox. Seems to be up Glorious Poobah's alley, so why not? (Although I must say, not a lot happens in the video.)


Jay said...

Oh, it's Ladytron's "The Lovers," off their new one, Velocifero.

Mike said...

Fine song, quite catchy in that Friday kind of way. Pretty amazing video, too, when you think about it, getting those dogs to stay perfectly still for over 2 minutes.

Jay said...

I broke down and purchased Velocifero, thinking I might broaden my horizons. I can honestly say I like 5 of the 13 songs (1, 2, 3, 8, 10), but this one is the best of the bunch.

The rest is synth mush that goes on and on and on and on ... Did I mention that almost all the other songs are at least a minute too long?

Falwell Trained Parakeets.