Saturday, August 23, 2008

I Don't Get It...


Andrew said...

I don't buy the "adds foreign policy expertise" idea.

Q. Mr. Obama, if there is a crisis with Iran, will you turn the reins over to VP Biden?"
A. No, of course not.
Q. So you will just rely on him for advice?
A. Yes.
Q. And why couldn't you get that advice if you put him in the cabinet, or just called him on the phone?
Q. Are you saying that if you had not added Biden to the ticket he would have refused to return your call?

I think the answer must be that they need someone like Biden to go after McCain. E.g. I have years of experience and I think McCain is an idiot.

I wonder if they will have the balls to repeat Wesley Clark's sensible, but very unpopular, statement that being a prisoner of war doesn't make you an expert on foreign policy. I will buy Obama a drink if he does out there and says "If I wanted someone with McCain's foreign policy experience I would nominate Martha Stewart, who has also spent time in jail."

Jay said...

I think it's the hair.

Joe said...

Ha ha. He's got plugs.

Dave said...

Andrew, you have made me laugh out loud. Again. I'm disappointed in the choice. I was hoping for someone saucier, like, say, Dick Cheney.

Mike said...

I like Joe Biden and think it's a decent choice, but howled at Andrew's comments. Martha Stewart, cha-ching!