Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I picked up a vinyl copy of Stevie Wonder's Innvervisions last night. It is, in a word, fuckingsublime.

People keep on learnin'
Soldiers keep on warrin'
World, keep on turnin'
cause it won't be too long.
Powers a-keep on lyin',
while your people a-keep on dyin'
World, keep on turnin',
cause it won't be too long.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I just had my kids doing a research project on protest or political music and one of the choices I gave them was 'Living for the City'. I'm proud to say I've turned a new generation of young people on to this album. Many were shocked to find it in their parents' collections. Hopefully they've also learned a new appreciation for the idea of an 'album' of songs- not just one at a time downloading.