Monday, January 08, 2007


You read it here first. Single Guy (aka S.G., aka John Doe) made an offer weekend before last! I didn't want to say anything until the contract was negotiated and the inspection was done, but there you have it.

We've got a few small things to fix, but we're scheduled to close a week from Wednesday.

Relieved? Nah. (Okay, maybe just a smidge.)


Dave said...

Absolutely Fantastic! I was starting to wonder, but didn't want to ask....... Congrats my friend.

Joe said...

Sweeet!! Now you can quit bitching about it all the time! Seriously, though, congratulations. I know that's a huge load off your shoulders. Now you can afford that penis enlargement program you've been wanting to do for so long.

Jay said...

Thanks, guys.

I couldn't decide between the penis enlargement system or the breast implants, but I think you're right. Again, thanks!