Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Talent Scout

I have a music club at school. Although most of the kids are well-meaning but warbly, occasionally I run across some really great talent. Vanessa is a sixteen year old junior who has performed in musical theater and has excellent taste in music. I got my NOLA band mate and producer buddy Dave to come over from Asheville this weekend to record her and a couple of other students. Here's a recording of her singing a One Republic song over at my Soundcloud page. Holy crikey she's good. Stay tuned for the third chorus where she lays on a big note and then a beautiful falsetto note. She figured out how to do harmonies and just generally made me feel like a total dick of a singer. I included my amp in the picture just so I could feel like I had something to do with this tornado of awesomeness.


Joe said...

There's a pretty cool Poncho and Lefty cover on that page as well...

Jay said...

Very nice, Dave!

Eric said...

Lovely pipes!

Col. Dave, have you signed her to a shady recording contract?

Dave said...

I'm hoping Bastard Andy will help me create a sketchy contract that puts me in the driver seat of her career for generations to come.

Mike said...

Wow, beautiful. Nice amp, too.