Sunday, November 01, 2009

Teenage angst

I've never really gotten into Thom Yorke or Radiohead, but I must say I quite like this effort, which apparently is from the soundtrack to the latest Twilight movie, and is no worse off for that.


Jay said...

As the only bastard into Thom Yorke and Radiohead, I thank you for your post.

Apparently, Radiohead is or will soon begin working on a new album, to be released sometime in 2010.

Dave said...

I've been hearing this one a lot as Caroline has had the New Moon soundtrack since release day. Actually a pretty good soundtrack overall.

Mike said...

That is a bit catchy. I liked the R.head of The Bends, it's just their disco elevator phase I'm not connecting with.

Joe said...

Disco elevator! Ha ha!