Thursday, October 08, 2009

When I was a boy, blowing up the moon was just a beautiful dream!

Sound familiar?


Jay said...

God, I used to love Mr. Show. The sketch after this one is funny, too. Whenever David Cross's character suggests an idea, the boss hates it, but when somebody else suggests the same, he loves it.

I had the opportunity to ask Mr. Cross about it, and he said that segment was based on an actual experience one of the writers had had.

Mike said...

When did you talk to D. Cross? Hilarious stuff, this is a great sketch.

Joe said...

Obviously they voted for the Nobel Peace Prize before we revealed that we were going to nuke the moon.

Jay said...

Apologies to Joe for telling this story again, but he was hanging out at The Star Bar in Atlanta the night we played there with The Forty-Fives. (Cross was a fan of theirs, not ours.) He wound up coming back to the lead singer's apartment and hanging out with us and a couple dozen other people. Super nice guy.