Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Tonto Tonto

Funny story:

I had known Joe approximately two days when we were watching The Tonight Show at stately Drago Manor. All of a sudden, this band came on, and Joe yelped, "Holy shit! I know that guy!" This lead singer is that guy.


Joe said...

Yes, it's true. He's Nick Fowler, and he was really the funniest, wittiest guy in my high school. He graduated a year ahead of me, went to Cornell, founded a metal mag, did the band thing (there were some mafia connections that I think helped him get on Leno but also doomed the band), then went on to write a not-terribly-well-received novel. I think he's in NYC now teaching and playing the occasional gig. I keep waiting for him to show up on Facebook.

Mike said...

Interesting connection. Must've been freaky to see him pop up on Leno.