Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Here Ya' Go Lurker Redux

Honorable mentions to Bill Shatner covering Jarvis Cocker here (which, admittedly, is not exactly within the spirit of your question), the Flaming Lips covering Kylie here, and the White Stripes covering The Carpenters here, but this one gets my nod:


Dave said...

Yes! There's a great line in a Costello song called 'This is Hell' where he sings about what hell would be like:

'My Favorite Things' is playing again and again
But its by Julie Andrews and
Not by John Coltrane....

Andrew said...

I hate to admit this, but as i was posting, I was about to reflexively write something insulting about the Julie Andrews version, until I remembered how much I Love The Sound of Music.

Mike said...

Nice one Andrew!