Darth Vader?

A wookiee without his fur.

A prototype for Boba Fett's costume, I assume.
Geek out and waste a shitload of time here.
Conan O'Brien: The Kindle 3 was released yesterday. I read about it on my iPad.Check it out or don't over here.
Conan O'Brien: Starting to make big strides on the TBS show. We’re finally getting close to picking a host.
Conan O'Brien: Just read that Facebook has reached 500 million users. Congrats to everyone who helped create history's largest stalker/pedophile buffet.
Conan O'Brien: The courts have slashed FCC policy, relaxing the ban on TV profanity. Coming this Fall to TBS: "Conan's G*d Damn F***ing Sh*t A**hole Hour".
''This is the beer to end all beers. It's an audacious blend of eccentricity, artistry and rebellion; changing the general perception of beer, one stuffed animal at a time.Not to mention the beer has a higher alcohol content than vodka!
Watch the full episode. See more In Performance at The White House.