The Kindle made its debut in 2007 and Kindle 2 was released in early 2009, so I'm not exactly an early adopter. But a few things recently knocked me off the fence ...
1) I spent some time reading on Bastard Matt's iPad a couple of weekends ago and it was a not unpleasant experience.
2) Kindle 2's price dropped below $200.00. ($189.99. Cheap!)
3) e-book sales have surpassed paper book sales on Amazon! For every 100 paper books Amazon sells these days, they sell 143 e-books. Wow.
4) Kindle has around 60% market share in the e-reader marker.
Anybody have any suggestions for my first book purchase?
We have one too, but haven't used it much yet. Caroline read a book on it over our recent travels and liked it pretty well. I still have the tactile need to hold a book, but I guess I got over owning physical copies of albums, so I think it is just a matter of time. Your first book should be something with really big fonts.
Ha ha.
There's a rumor that Kindle 3 is coming in August, but Amazon's lips are tight. Luckily, Target has a 90 day return policy.
Can you get books with pictures...?
My significant other carries her Kindle everywhere. I've never had the urge to use it. Still love the feel and smell of books. Mmmm, books.
While I was debating my purchase, The Wife asked how I would know which books I wanted on the Kindle and which I wanted actual copies of.
I'm still wrestling with that, actually ...
Disposable fiction on Kindle. You know, detective thrillers, mass market paperbacks, etc. The classics and your favorite authors in solid form.
Good idea, Dave. Thanks.
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