Yes, Twitter is ridiculous. But Conan O'Brien is funny. I'm torn.
Conan O'Brien: The Kindle 3 was released yesterday. I read about it on my iPad.Check it out or don't over here.
Conan O'Brien: Starting to make big strides on the TBS show. We’re finally getting close to picking a host.
Conan O'Brien: Just read that Facebook has reached 500 million users. Congrats to everyone who helped create history's largest stalker/pedophile buffet.
Conan O'Brien: The courts have slashed FCC policy, relaxing the ban on TV profanity. Coming this Fall to TBS: "Conan's G*d Damn F***ing Sh*t A**hole Hour".
Have yet to become a twitterer (twittard?) but have long been of the opinion that Conan should be knighted for the "Monorail" episode of The Simpsons and for his 2000 Harvard Commencement Address.
Agreed on both counts. Not a twittard either. It's the final frontier. Until next year.
I'm no twitter twat either, but I couldn't agree more on Sir Obrien.
I'm no twitter twat either, but I couldn't agree more on Sir Obrien.
You can say that again, Mike!
"After freshman year I moved to Mather House. Mather House, incidentally, was designed by the same firm that built Hitler’s bunker. In fact, if Hitler had conducted the war from Mather House, he’d have shot himself a year earlier."
That made me laugh out loud, Eric.
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