Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Har Har

We're taking the kids to see Brian Regan on Friday. Hope he's still this funny.


Eric said...

He's consistently funny, and gives a fine interview.

Also has the reputation for not "working blue", somewhat like Seinfeld. I searched the interwebs for the origin of the term: apparently a British vaudeville comedian - Max Miller - used to keep his clean jokes in a white notebook and his dirty jokes in a blue notebook.

Nothing bawdy or ribald -- how will you cope?!

Jay said...

I did not know that!

The kids have watched both of his specials on Netflix so many times that they walk around the house randomly quoting them.

I come here for my profanity fix, silly.

Dave said...

Fuck you, shitheel assclown. Glad to be of service.

Jay said...

That's the stuff.