Monday, October 29, 2012

One, Two... FIVE! ("Three, sir, THREE!")

Don't know if any other Tolkien nerds populate the greater bastardate. I'm decidedly lukewarm about splitting this appetizer of a Tolkien tale into THREE SEPARATE FILMS, even if it does incorporate material from the appendices of Lord of the Rings. I doubt it'll be Jackson's own Episode I / Jar-Jar stumble, but still...

Mostly I care because I wish he'd abandon this and film like FIVE movies out of The Silmarillion, which is ass-kicking, majestic, epic. Would love to see FĂ«anor, Fingolfin, Morgoth, LĂșthien, etc in the hands of an inspired director.


Jay said...

I'm ashamed to admit that I never made it past The Hobbit (I'll just drop off my nerd badge on my way out) but I'll still see these, as long as there's as much or more gay subtext as there was in the LOTR movies.

"Oh, Sam ..."

Jay said...

And dammit if Weta hasn't nailed realistic CGI skin and eyes. I'm sorry, but that's impressive.

Joe said...

I think he should do the Long Ships, personally. I've never been a Tolkien fan (again, dates in high school and all that), but I will probably sit through all three of these as well.

Mike said...

The Long Ships! Now there's a great idea for an epic.

I sucked hard at the Tolkien teat, so my inner dungeon master sprayed his boyscout shorts when they committed to 3 films. I'm naturally on board with the Simarillion pentology, too.

Mike said...

Holy hand grenade, nice touch.

Dave said...

I read the Hobbit last year and can't see it being three films. Two, maybe.