Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Anybody Wanna Talk About It?

Because it's getting REALLY good.


Eric said...

I'm eight seasons behind and working through "Mad Men" on the treadmill. Does Zombie Redux belong at the top of my Netflix queue?

Joe said...

I still haven't caught last year's finale, nor this year's season premiere, but the last two episodes have been quite good.

Mike said...

They lost me during the like 4 episodes they spent at that plantation house engaged in overwrought conversations written by some high strung 13-year-old. I'm amazed that some fans came back to life and started limping after this disappointing series again. Maybe I'll try it. So catch me up, when I left they were running from zombies. What are they doing now?

Dave said...

I have been very much enjoying this season so far, but the last one was a bit of an expository snoozefest- probably necessary to set up the story but a little dull. Still, a fine return to gory form for me.

Jay said...

Sorry, I tried to post this yesterday, but Blogger ate it. One more time ...

During the mid-season break last year, Glen Mazzara became the show runner and fired the entire writing staff. The old team was responsible for endless navel-gazing about the meaning of life during a zombie apocalypse and the search for the missing little girl (Sophia). This is why it picked up again in the spring and why season three is knocking it out of the park.

Eric, I'd watch season 1, the season 2 premiere and then pick up with episode 9. Season 3 obviously isn't on Netflix yet, but it's the shit.

Joe, last season's finale was a humdinger!

Mike, they're still running from zombies. They've fought their way into a prison, met other survivors, and the show has introduced an entirely new subplot that will converge soon.

Dave, I liked last episode! The break from the regulars was welcome and it established a new major baddie.

Something else I like about this show is that it doesn't follow the comic, so even long-time fans don't know what's coming. Also, no one is safe, and the WD has proven time and again that any character can go an any time. Which is what I liked about The Sopranos, now that I think about it.

Mike said...

Sounds very promising! I can feel my interest reanimating..