Monday, July 16, 2012

Back in the New York Groove Pt. 2

So please excuse my absence lo these many weeks. Work and family have taken me away from my Commodore 64. New York for the History Link '12 conference was great. I drank a lot of beer and learned a lot of shit about immigrants, labor movements, and how Wall Street sank us in all this debt (BONUS: when you make debt into a commodity and sell it, things suck!). The fact that all of our seminars featured liberal professors from Yale has NO BEARING on the things we learned, I swear. Highlight: a reunion with drummer Sean, who I hadn't seen in almost 20 years. Jay didn't show because of 'creative differences' and 'lifestyle differences'. Bastard.


Jay said...

Whoa, how is Sean and what's he up to?

Joe said...

Did you stay at the Chelsea? Did you stay up all night writing Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands for her? Do the heat pipes just cough?

Dave said...

Sean seems OK- he and the wife split a couple years ago and he's living with his mom doing freelance writing for some websites. He quit drinking and is taking some anti-anxiety stuff. Despite all that, it was great to see him and catch up a little bit. Joe, she WAS giving me head on the unmade bed while the limousines waited in the streets.