Friday, December 23, 2011

Remember Tonto Tonto?

Jay does! This is the same guy as a singer in the Sopranos.  Ha ha


Joe said...

I was friends in high school with the singer in this video (and formerly of Tonto Tonto). Not long after Jay and I met, we were watching the Tonight Show, and they came on. You kind of had to be there...

The guy's name is Nick Fowler, and though he comes off as a douche in this clip, he's actually one of the funniest, wittiest people I've ever known. Acting!

Jay said...

That was the second or third day after we met, meaning the second or third day that we lived together.

Joe: "I went to high school with that guy!"

Me (to self): "What have I gotten myself into?"

I think I caught this Sopranos episode but didn't make the connection. Too cool.

Eric said...

Just watched The Sopranos start to finish this year. Certainly a nominee for most phoned-in line of dialogue in the entire series:

"Ya got no choruses!!"