Monday, December 19, 2011

I've Ordered My Copy

Pick yours up here.  Also, just on a housekeeping note, someone's been overfeeding Munchie.


Mike said...

Wow, I can't wait to look at that. In a related item, I ordered a slush mug for a Christmas gift for someone and when it came, there was a Johnson-Smith Co. catalog included! Can't believe they're still around.

Eric said...

Yeah let us know how it is. I remember the ads well -- don't think I quite believed the X-Ray Specs but was totally fascinated by the Sea Monkeys. I thought they would be just as in the artist's rendition with like a King Sea Monkey and a complex social hierarchy and all. Good thing I never ordered any.

Jay said...

Okay, in my best Charlton Heston scream:


The book is indeed a worthy stroll down Memory Lane for comic book geeks of a certain age. It's fun to see the actual products after wondering about them as a kid. Most are shit, some are pretty great.