Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Cinema 2011: It Occurs To Me That I Don't See Enough Movies

What convinced me that I'm now officially out of touch:  I kept waiting for scenes from Lord of the Rings.  I guess that must've been last year (or earlier). 


Dave said...

I used to be somewhat of a cinemaphile, but my girlfriend and I have mostly polar opposite tastes in movies. I like depressing, talky, subtitled, slice of life, 'independent' films and she likes stuff to blow up and for people to fall in love (preferably after some sort of misunderstanding). We see a lot of movies where stuff blows up and people fall in love after some sort of misunderstanding. Also, vampires. I won't claim to dislike all of those types of movies, but I do miss the Oscar bait stuff.

Eric said...

I can out-lame that:

Didn't get to the theater the entire summer despite wonderful intentions and high hopes. And loving a big screen. Really only feel bad about missing Super 8 and the Conan documentary.

A new David Lynch or Tarantino film apparently would have been the only experiences primal enough to propel me into a theater seat.

So far have purchased Harry Potter VIII and I watch The Trip pretty much every time I'm over at my friend Dan's house. I like the "Gentlemen, to bed" scene. [props Jay, on that recommendation].

I used to see most of the Best Picture candidates -- but now don't even catch the Best Pictures. Haven't watched Slumdog Millionaire yet. Anyone else that culturally challenged?

Fully intend on seeing Sherlock Holmes and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Yeah, right.

Dave said...

We usually catch up at Christmas time on the previous year's Oscar nominees, so I'm only a year or two out of the loop at any given time. Slumdog is terrific, and I think you'd also dig The Fighter with Wahlberg and Bale. Super 8 was also a blast.

Mike said...

I seem to need more motivation these days, too. I loved Super 8, which you really wanted the theater experience for. I'm apparently the only person in the world who didn't like Hugo, which was brilliant cinematography deserving of a better screenplay. I'm going to make an effort over the holidays.