Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Hitler Gets Angry About iPhone 4S

These angry Hitler clips have been around for awhile, but this one's worth a look. I should probably explain that Gil Amelio was Apple's CEO from February 2, 1996 to July 4, 1997. Jobs convinced the directors to oust him in a boardroom coup after Apple's stock plummeted.


Eric said...

Marvelous. I think I want some props, or some dap, or something, for actually seeing Downfall in the theater when it first came out. It's a fine film.
Damn I'm needy.

Jay said...

I wondered what movie that was from. Props, you needy bastard!

Joe said...

Congrats, Jay. Your post killed Steve Jobs. That reminds me. I need to add that movie in Netflix.

Note to self: do NOT google lemonparty.

Second note to self: start a band, call it lemonparty.

Dave said...

Props. What's a theater?

Matt said...

once you've seen it you can't unsee it. that was awesome!!