Monday, March 14, 2011

Who am I? Who are you?

Had a great time at Mardi Gras. Unfortunately, staying out all hours in all weather, eating 'street' food and drinking incessantly is apparently not good for the immune system. Woke up Ash Wednesday without a hangover but with a nasty little virus. Fever for days, night sweats from hell, and a solo 15 hour drive back to Durham only to find the in-laws at our house. Ay Caramba! If only my primary care physician (Poobah Eric) had warned me of all of the above mentioned activities. If only....


Eric said...

Oh, but you had all the tools you needed, sorry if the prescription wasn't clear...

You were instructed to embrace your inner Charlie Sheen for Mardi Gras . THAT's how we cure drinky-street-food-flu!!

"I cured my virus WITH MY MIND!!

Mike said...

If I say I wanna set you free, don't you know you'll be in misery?

It does sound like you represented the blog admirably on your trip. Sorry the cost to your health was so high! I guess that's the cost of WINNING!

Jay said...

Holy shit, we don't get too many KISS references around here ...