Friday, March 25, 2011

SkyHigh Airlines

Here's to safe travels for our China-bound bastard.

The Pacific Northwesterners among us enjoyed Alaska's "SkyHigh Airlines" campaign in the 1980's... don't know if it got national play.
I employ the captain's thumbs-up and wink as much as I can get away with.


Jay said...

Nope, we didn't get those down here in the Bible Belt. And why is Che Guevara painted on the tail of that aircraft?

Safe travels, Matthew. I expect a souvenir when you return. Something made in China, how exotic!

Mike said...

Have a great trip and enjoy the people. There's over 1.3 billion in the world today. You'd better learn to like them, that's what I say. (what Monty Python said, actually.)

Dave said...

Speaking of trip....these are a trip down memory lane. Now if you can only locate those